Tulisan Singkat Tentang Minimalism
prinsip minimalism, prinsip gak clingy sama kebutuhan yang macem2.
inget2 tausiyah ust. abu fatiah al adnani tentang sistem kapitalisme sekarang, yang gak berhenti - berhentinya buat orang itu butuh buat kerja. buat penuhin kebutuhan katanya. terus menerus. kerjanya ditambah pendapatan ditambah pengeluarannya juga ditambah misal buat healing. kerja lembur biar bisa ada keluaran tambahan buat party.
yg awalnya orang bisa kerja dirumah, penuhin kebutuhan sembari ngabisin waktu sama keluarga. sekarang kedua suami istri mesti kerja buat uang tambahan dengan dalih "menuhin kebutuhan". anak ditinggal. padahal kayaknya kebutuhan yg ingin dibeli macem2 tuh sebenernya keinginan. bukan kebutuhan.
value simpel : kita klo ngikutin nafsu, inginnya bisa macem macem dengan dalih mempermudah urusan kita. tapi sejatinya kita mempersulit karena tambah kerja keras tuh buat dapetin itu.
ini principle samurai miyamoto musashi, dapet dari yutub, kurang lebih begini bunyinya.
14. Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.
It seems like Musashi already knew the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle.
His life as a ronin didn’t lend itself to having possessions.
Traveling Japan, staying in different places, fighting duels, perfecting his skill, possessions
would only have been a burden.
Besides his two swords, he only needed the basics to survive and practice.
Some people tend to collect possessions as if the accumulation of material goods increases
their happiness.
This could be the case for a while but, mostly, it only creates a hunger for more.
Eventually, the more we own, the more weight we carry on our shoulders until we become
servants of our possessions instead of the other way around.
Clinging to our belongings as well the pursuit for more creates anxiety; the fear of losing
what we have, and the fear of not getting what we want.
But when we have a higher purpose and are able to achieve higher levels of happiness,
there’s no point in chasing all these material possessions anymore.
when one finds contentment in stillness, without needing entertainment like
television or music, chasing possessions doesn’t make much sense.
What it all comes down to is the ability to travel light, like a ronin, so we can focus
sesimpel sepatu lari. lu cuman butuh 1.
sesimpel perabotan dirumah, gausah macem2.
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