Alhamdulillah, Aku belum terobsesi makan enak

Baru aja nikmatin masakan tadi pagi dan siang yg sama wkwk. telor dan tempe gapake garem, cuman pake saos aja biar berasa. bedanyaa, pas siang aku ambil nasi sama sayurnya di warteg.

So far, makanan yg aku cari sekarang sekarang gak jauh dari warteg. Gak terlalu minat ayam geprek, karena bayangin nasi ayam aja udah 15k. Klo di warteg, itu udah ++ sayur, tempe tahu ikan. apalagi klo ayam juga murah itungannya cuman 7 ribuan.

Tidak lain tidak bukan karena gizi. Ya kita utamain gizi, buat terus jalanin metabolisme harian bakar energi dan upgrade tubuh dari hasil olahraga entah lari atau fitness. Singkatnya.

ada sebuah video keren yg aku tonton, dari yutub. kurang lebih tulisannya begini.

ini merupakan principles dari seorang samurai miyamoto musashi. intinya, ini semua di islam juga ada. tp aku gasempet buat nuangin di blog ini lah yaa, lain kali mungkin.

13. Do not pursue the taste of good food.

Many if not most people indulge in the pleasure of the tongue by enjoying a good meal.

Some spend long evenings wining and dining, consuming drink after drink and course after


But foodies, beware: this behavior has its downsides.

Miyamoto Musashi discourages the pursuit of good food.

His exact reasons for this aren’t known, but when we look at what other philosophers

had to say about this, we might get an idea.

The ancient Stoics for example were also concerned about food.

They encouraged people to eat simply.

 Zeno of Citium observed that when people get used to eating fancy,

expensive meals, they stop appreciating the simple foods.

When our appetites become oversaturated, we’ll only crave more extravagant and stimulating

ways to satisfy the pleasure of eating.

Immoderate eating habits could very well turn into gluttony, which leads to health problems.

We’d say that a glutton enjoys and appreciates food, while the opposite may be the case.

Voracious eaters and drinkers usually don’t take time to eat mindfully, and with an appreciation

for the dish in front of them.

Instead, they compulsively consume as much as possible, to be temporarily relieved from

the pain of food cravings.

What we could do instead is eat ‘mindfully’ and in limited amounts, and train ourselves

to not give in to cravings.

By doing so, we’ll be less attached to taste, and our cravings for food will weaken, so

we’re less likely to overeat.

At the end of the day, the purpose of eating is nutrition, as we need fuel to live and thrive.


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